Just dreaming
7 de December de 2022
Some time ago I came across this wonderful infographic that graphically shows the differences in what people from different countries dream about. I think it is a lovely way to summarize how complex it is for any product (let alone service) to develop internationally.
In the end, marketing is about people. What moves us, motivates us, hooks us, makes us laugh or cry. And that is neither universal nor global. Because the social, cultural and economic context makes us have a different vision of almost everything. Therefore, as potential consumers, the connection levers that brands work on must necessarily change or, at least, be adjusted.
We have the fortune to have worked and continue to work with brands seeking international expansion, many of them successfully. That is why it may seem simple, although nothing could be further from the truth. A successful international marketing strategy requires, among other things, great efforts to study the market, to surround yourself with the best inbound partners and to adapt how you articulate your value proposition to be relevant in that market.
Sure, 52 countries might dream of snakes. But there are 195 in the world.